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What we need from you

Professional aerial photography, filming, surveys & inspections

Location details

Full address including postcode (or longitude and latitude) to complete a pre-flight survey.


The more information you can provide about the site the better, including:


  • vehicle access constraints

  • other permissions required

  • is the location open to the public (eg public rights of way, proximity of neighbours, vehicles etc)


Landowner’s permission

We require the permission of the landowner on whose land we will take-off and land, and to ensure that all relevant personnel at the site are informed of the flight operation.


Project timings

As drone flights are weather dependent we need to understand your deadlines and any other restrictions specific to the site on when we can fly. We can’t guarantee flying on a specific day or time, although will always do our best to meet your requirements.


What you want

We have a flexible range of services that can include high definition still photography and video, along with post-production editing, so the more detail you can provide on your aims and how the images will be used in the initial brief the better - do call to discuss.

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